Tag: tutorial

  • Power Automate: Get Dataverse file URL (show file content)

    Power Automate: Get Dataverse file URL (show file content)

    Today, let’s explore a unique need from a client of mine using a Power App, who want to view Dataverse file contents in new browser tabs via a URL. The goal is to avoid the need of users downloading from Dataverse and storing sensitive files locally before viewing it. While this is easily achieved through…

  • Dataverse: Setup Service Principal Access for Environment

    Dataverse: Setup Service Principal Access for Environment

    Today’s blog I’ll quickly show how to setup a Power Platform service principal account for Dataverse and use it with Power Automate flows. A service principal is a non-interactive “user account” that can perform tasks for Dataverse or other applications with elevated permissions and better security. The tutorial consists of four primary steps

  • Dataverse: Remove decimal format from numeric columns

    Dataverse: Remove decimal format from numeric columns

    In a recent project, I had a use-case where the number formats for all tables needed to be displayed without any separators as default in order to prevent confusion for the users. This prompted me to create a guide for how to change the default formatting of the number columns. Note! this will change for…

  • Power Automate: Auto Create Excel Table Based On Dynamic Content (With Excel Automation Script)

    Power Automate: Auto Create Excel Table Based On Dynamic Content (With Excel Automation Script)

    Learn how to efficiently retrieve the final index of utilized rows and columns within an Excel file, even in the absence of a table. This guide demonstrates the utilization of Power Automate in conjunction with Excel Automation Script to create a table based on the indexes being used in multiple sheets. By employing this flow,…

  • UiPath: Resolving Missing Namespace In A Project

    UiPath: Resolving Missing Namespace In A Project

    When working with UiPath Studio, encountering errors is not uncommon. One such error, BC30456, can be particularly frustrating: “X is not a member of *Insert Namespace*“… If you’ve come across this error, fear not! In this blog post, we’ll delve into the problem, its root cause, and provide you with a detailed solution to get…

  • Power Automate: Web Automation with Powershell + Azure Automation + Selenium DLL library

    Power Automate: Web Automation with Powershell + Azure Automation + Selenium DLL library

    In todays blog I want to show you guys how to web-scrape with Power Automate instead of PAD. This scenario suits for integration with simple Web UI navigations (where use cases could be ordering equipment online, as a part of an onboarding process). Why combine Power Automate with PowerShell and Selenium C# Library: Prerequisites: Setting…

  • Power Apps: Using Figma To Design Your Application

    Power Apps: Using Figma To Design Your Application

    When it comes to Power Apps, I’ve always been a fan of the Canvas Apps approach. It gives the space for creativity and the ability for a lot of customization. While Model-Driven Apps gives the developers and users a more streamlined user experience, I prefer the Canvas Apps route because of it’s expressive freedom, straight-forward…

  • Power Automate: Integrate ‘gpt-3.5-turbo’ Model And ‘GPT-4’ Model With Microsoft Teams

    Power Automate: Integrate ‘gpt-3.5-turbo’ Model And ‘GPT-4’ Model With Microsoft Teams

    Update: Included the GPT-4 Model header as I got the beta access a week after publishing the article, and it’s basically the same implementation. GPT-3.5-Turbo was released last week and added another arsenal for developers to work with OpenAI’s public API services. This week we’re going to have a look at how we can upgrade…

  • PowerShell: OpenAI Integration (CoPilot, GPT-3, DALL•E & More)

    PowerShell: OpenAI Integration (CoPilot, GPT-3, DALL•E & More)

    Have you ever wanted to ask ChatGPT something while coding in your PowerShell terminal or just streamline your coding workflow and search for information without ever leaving your PowerShell terminal. Or simply just too lazy to leave your focus outside of the Console Window and navigate to ChatGPT on the web? 🤔 Well, look no…