Dataverse: Remove decimal format from numeric columns

In a recent project, I had a use-case where the number formats for all tables needed to be displayed without any separators as default in order to prevent confusion for the users.

This prompted me to create a guide for how to change the default formatting of the number columns.

Note! this will change for all whole numbers fields, columns and related tables in Power Platform.

Navigate to – select the cogwheel icon for Options at the top-right corner and click on “Advanced settings

On the new page, click on the drop-down menu for “Settings” and select the “Administration” button, under the System-category.

Select “System Settings

Navigate to the “Formats“-tab, select your Current Format language and click on “Customize

On the new Pop-up window you can now customize your “Numbers” field formatting. Above is the settings I use to achieve my goal of removing the decimal formatting from my Whole Number fields.


We’ve learned how to effortlessly change default formatting for number columns, exploring advanced settings and administration options. For individual tables / Number columns, there is no out of the box function to format or remove the comma format other than that you’re forced to create a text-column/PowerFx based column and limit the input somehow instead.


2 responses to “Dataverse: Remove decimal format from numeric columns”

  1. Steven Smith Avatar
    Steven Smith

    Thanks for the step; it might be good for the whole project in the environment, but I think it is bad practice for the MS system because it forces it all into the environment. After all, one app requests Decimal and another App needs to hide Decimal.

    They should give us more options with one column, table/App or Environment setting like your description

    1. Dennis Chi Avatar

      Hey, Steven!

      Yeah, unfortunately only environment based. I usually tell my customers that this is a Microsoft thing and that it has no affection to how the data is represented in the backend, it’s only a UI thing when working with the table/column interface for Dataverse, it’s just that the customers found it quirky to look at. 😀

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