Category: Logic Apps

  • Power Automate: Get Dataverse file URL (show file content)

    Power Automate: Get Dataverse file URL (show file content)

    Today, letโ€™s explore a unique need from a client of mine using a Power App, who want to view Dataverse file contents in new browser tabs via a URL. The goal is to avoid the need of users downloading from Dataverse and storing sensitive files locally before viewing it. While this is easily achieved through…

  • Arctic Cloud Developer Challenge 2024 (Hackathon)

    Arctic Cloud Developer Challenge 2024 (Hackathon)

    In February 2023 – Thomas Sandsรธr reached out to me and asked if I would like to join the ACDC competition (Arctic Cloud Developer Challenge) and got me hooked in to the event. This was something that I have had in the back of my mind since and not been able to decide, but when…

  • Nordic Summit 2023 @ Copenhagen

    Nordic Summit 2023 @ Copenhagen

    I had the privilege of attending Nordic Summit in Copenhagen, dedicated to the Microsoft Power Platform – a technology I’m passionate about. This gathering was one out of many held yearly to tribute the incredible community members who share their interests to the various Microsoft related services (focused around the Power Platform stack). I can’t…

  • Automation Summit 2023 @ Microsoft, London

    Automation Summit 2023 @ Microsoft, London

    ๐ŸŒŸ We had a Blast at the Automation Summit 2023 at Microsoft London! ๐Ÿš€ Last week, I attended the Automation Summit and it’s PL-200 & PL-400 crash courses hosted by the always so positive Raz Choudry and delivered by my man Arpit Shrivastava with that knowledge that I needed! Oh boy, was it an intense week, but a really fun…

  • Power Automate: Make Your Recurring Flow Change Its Own Trigger Value

    Power Automate: Make Your Recurring Flow Change Its Own Trigger Value

    Making a flow change it’s own trigger preferences based on Update Flow action with a dynamic JSON definition on runtime. In this one we’re going to make your own flow automatically update it’s own recurrence values, so that it can automate its own runtime schedules ๐Ÿ”. Now I want you to follow along closely, because…

  • Power Automate:  OCR Extraction With Logic Apps, Javascript And RegEx Filter

    Power Automate: OCR Extraction With Logic Apps, Javascript And RegEx Filter

    Hey Power Addicts! ๐Ÿ˜Ž In today’s blog post, we’ll discuss the possibilities of invoking regular expression (RegEx) from creating a Logic Apps HTTP Trigger with JavaScript code. Now the most common way for this has been through use of a cloud stored Excel-file and invoking the TypeScript RegEx from the Excel Automation tool in Power…