Tag: power apps

  • Power Automate: Get Dataverse file URL (show file content)

    Power Automate: Get Dataverse file URL (show file content)

    Today, let’s explore a unique need from a client of mine using a Power App, who want to view Dataverse file contents in new browser tabs via a URL. The goal is to avoid the need of users downloading from Dataverse and storing sensitive files locally before viewing it. While this is easily achieved through…

  • Arctic Cloud Developer Challenge 2024 (Hackathon)

    Arctic Cloud Developer Challenge 2024 (Hackathon)

    In February 2023 – Thomas Sandsør reached out to me and asked if I would like to join the ACDC competition (Arctic Cloud Developer Challenge) and got me hooked in to the event. This was something that I have had in the back of my mind since and not been able to decide, but when…

  • Dataverse: Remove decimal format from numeric columns

    Dataverse: Remove decimal format from numeric columns

    In a recent project, I had a use-case where the number formats for all tables needed to be displayed without any separators as default in order to prevent confusion for the users. This prompted me to create a guide for how to change the default formatting of the number columns. Note! this will change for…

  • Power Apps: Using Figma To Design Your Application

    Power Apps: Using Figma To Design Your Application

    When it comes to Power Apps, I’ve always been a fan of the Canvas Apps approach. It gives the space for creativity and the ability for a lot of customization. While Model-Driven Apps gives the developers and users a more streamlined user experience, I prefer the Canvas Apps route because of it’s expressive freedom, straight-forward…